Phrase(s): sweep something up 1. Lit. to clean up and remove something, such as dirt, by sweeping. • Please sweep these crumbs up. • Can you sweep up these crumbs? 2. Lit. to clean up some place by sweeping. • Please sweep this room up. • Can you sweep up this room, please? 3. Fig. to arrange something, such as hair, into a curve or wave. • The hairstylist swept her hair up over the top. No one liked it. • Sweep up my hair the way it looks in this picture.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
Phrase(s): sweep up to clean up by sweeping. • Would you sweep up this time? • Please give me a few minutes to sweep up before you come to visit.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs