Phrase(s): build something into something [and] build something in 1. to integrate a piece of furniture or an appliance into a building’s construction. • We will build this cupboard into the wall about here. • We are going to build in a chest of drawers. • Then we will build another one in. 2. to make a particular quality a basic part of something. • We build quality into our cars before we put our name on them. • We build in quality. 3. to make a special restriction or specification a part of the plan of something. • I built the restriction into our agreement. • The lawyer built in the requirement that payments be by certified check.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
Phrase(s): build someone into something [and] build someone in to make a person an integral part of an organization or a plan. • The mayor built his cronies into the organizational structure of the town. • He built in his relatives as part of the administration.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs