(v) accuse, -ing, -ation; charge, -ing (denied the charges of nepotism that were leveled against him( (he was arrested on the charge of theft( (a charge of assault with intent to kill( ● allege, -ing, allegation; alleged offense; charged offense (acquital - in criminal law, the legal certification, usu. by jury verdict, that an accused person is not guilty of the charged offense (also اتهام وارده) – B( ● the stated charge (citation [is] a police-issued order to appear before a judge on a given date to defend against the stated charge, such as a traffic ticket – B( ● complaint (complaint – in criminal law [complaint is] a formal charge accusing a person of an offense – B( ● impute, -ing, -tation; indict, ~ing, ~ment (that is in a bill of indictment) ● impeach, ~ing, ~ment; information (that is an accusation exhibited against a person for some criminal offense, without an indictment. An accusation in the nature of an indictment, from which it differs only in being presented by a competent public officer on his oath of office, instead of a grand jury on their oath) (a person who has attained the age of seventeen may be tried summarily on information as an adult under s. 19 of the Magistrates’ Court Act, 1925 – JBS( ● criminate, -ing, -tion; incriminate, -ing, -ation; count (‘count’ and ‘charge’ when used relative to allegations in an indictment or information are synonymous) (he was found guilty on all counts( ● crimen (Lat) : an accusation or charge of a crime – B
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