(intransitive or passive form احقاق شدن - be, to be, being; having been, to have been+pp) right : to do justice to : make reparation to : relieve from wrong : restore rights to : assert or regain the rights of : redress the injuries of (so just is God to right the innocent – Shakespeare( ● administer, ~ing, -tration of justice; establish, ~ing, ~ment of one’s rights; deal, ~ing out justice to; do, ~ing justice احقاق حق (كردن) administer, ~ing, -tration of justice; establish, ~ing, ~ment of one’s right(s); assert, ~ing, ~ion of one’s right(s); enforce, -ing, -ment of a right (hybrid class action – a type of action in which the rights to be enforced are several and varied, but the object is to adjudicate claims that do or may affect the specific property in the action – B(
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