Phrase(s): (You) can’t beat that. [and] (You) can’t top that. Inf. No one can do better than that. (This you represents both personal and impersonal antecedents. That is, it means second person singular or plural, and anyone.) • Mary: Wow! Look at the size of that lobster! It looks yummy! Bill: Yeah. You can’t beat that. I wonder what it’s going to cost. • "What a view! Nothing like it anywhere! You can’t top this!" said Jeff, admiring his room’s ocean view.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
Phrase(s): (I) can’t beat that. [and] (I) can’t top that. Inf. I cannot do better than that.; I cannot exceed that. • Henry: That was really great. I can’t beat that. Rachel: Yes, that was really good. • "What a great joke! I can’t top that," said Kate, still laughing.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs