vt, in present-day Persian often without كردن or نمودن ● pass sth (general devise is a devise that passes the testator’s lands without particular enumeration or description of them – B( (specific devise is a devise that passes a particular piece of property – B( ● pass title to sth (pass title to a house – B( • give, giving in title (and usu possession) ● put (a person) in legal possession (of sth); transfer possession and ownership of an estate in land (to s.o.); enfeoff • give, giving possession • enter, ~ing upon : to go in upon lands as a formal act of ownership : take possession. In the law of real property, to go upon land for the purpose of taking possession of it. In strict usage, the entering is preliminary to the taking possession but in common parlance the entry is now merged in the taking possession. • vest, ~ing ownership (of) : 1. to confer ownership of (property) upon a person 2. to invest (a person) with the full title to property 3. to give (a person) an immediate, fixed right of present or future enjoyment – B • seise (sometimes also seize) : to put in possession, invest with fee simple, be seized of or in, be legal possessor of, or be holder in fee simple. To “seize” means to take possession of forcibly, to grasp, to snatch or to put in possession. – HCB. • come, coming into possession • alienate, -ing, -ion : A transferring of property, or the voluntary resignation of an estate by one man, and its acceptance by another.
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