شبکه مترجمین ایران
1. quasi entail (ie valid during the life of a third person and his heirs) 2. life estate (a restriction limiting an estate so that it will not take effect or vest within the period established by law) <‘life estate’ is an estate held only for the duration of a specified person’s life, usually the possessor’s; mot life estates – created, for example, by a grant “to Jane for life” - are beneficial interests under trusts, the corpus being personal property, not real property. – Also termed estate for life; life tenancy – JBS> 3. life interest 4. life right 5. right in perpetuity 6. perpetuity 7. usufruct 8. estate for life
فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه