گزارش خطا در معنی کلمه 'a stab in the back'
برای اصلاح خطاهایی که در معانی است، کافی است بر روی آیکن
کلیک کنید. برای وارد کردن معانی جدید در انتها صفحه در قسمت
'معانی جدید'
معانی خود را وارد کرده و بر روی دکمه
کلیک کنید
A betrayal of trust, an act of treachery, as in Voting against our bill at the last minute was a real stab in the back. It is Also put as stab someone in the back, meaning "betray someone." For example, Don't trust George; he's been known to stab his friends in the back. Both the noun and verb forms of this idiom, alluding to a physical attack when one's back is turned, date from the early 1900s.
American Heritage Idioms