شبکه مترجمین ایران
تعدي - تخطي - تجاور - نافرماني - امتناع - نقض • disobedience : refusal or neglect to obey • insubordination : the refusal to obey orders or show respect for sb who has a higher rank • contumacy : stubborn resistance of authority; specific : willful contempt of court • infraction : the act or an instance of infringing : violation • infringement : encroaching upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another (in Persian, also تعدي/تخطي/تجاوز) naughtiness : being guilty or disobedience or misbehavior • violation : the act of violating : the state of being violated : as : infringement; the act of going against or refusing to obey a law, an agreement, etc • transgression : a going beyond limits set or prescribed by : violation • non-compliance (with sth) : the fact of failing or refusing to obey a rule • nonobservance (in Persian, also عدم رعايت ): the failure to keep or obey a rule, custom, etc
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