pledge (of movable property) : 1. a bailment or other deposit of personal property to a creditor as security for a debt or obligation; pawn (2) (Cf. lien) 2. the item of personal property so deposited; pawn (1) 3. broadly the act of providing something as security for a debt or obligation; the things so provided (if the conveyance, assignment, or demise be of land or any estate therein, the transaction is called a mortgage, notwithstanding that the creditor enters into possession; but the transfer of the possession of a movable chattel to secure the repayment of a debt is called not a mortgage, but a pledge – JBS(
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security : (English) an instrument given to secure the performance of an obligation; the assurance that a creditor will be repaid (usu. with interest) any money or credit extended to a debtor 2. collateral given or pledged to guarantee the fulfillment of an obligation 3. (English) a person who is bound by some type of guaranty; surety
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collateral : property that is pledged as security against a debt – also termed collateral security
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encumbrance : a claim or liability that is attached to property and that may lessen its value, such as a lien or mortgage; an encumbrance cannot defeat the transfer of possession , but it remains after the property is transferred – also spelled incumbrance
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pawn : 1. an item of personal property deposited as security for payment of a debt; a pledge or guarantee 2. (English) the act of depositing personal property in this manner 3. the condition of being held on deposit as a pledge
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gage : a pledge, pawn, or other thing deposited as security for performance
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guarantee : something given or existing as security, as to fulfill a future engagement or a condition subsequent – Also spelled guaranty
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charge : an encumbrance, lien, or claim (a charge on property(
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distress : 1. the seizure of property to secure the performance of a duty, such as the payment of overdue rent (‘nolla bona’ (no goods) [is] a return made by the sheriff to the writ of feri facias, when there are no goods within the country on which to levy the distress – JBS( 2. (in English) the legal; remedy authorizing such a seizure; the procedure by which the seizure is carried out 3. the property seized (in this sense in Persian usually گرويي)– also termed distress
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hypotheca : “Hypotheca” was a term of the Roman law, and denoted a pledge or mortgage. As distinguished from the term “pignus,” in the same law, it denoted a mortgage, whether of lands or of goods, in which the subject in pledge remained in the possession of the mortgagor; whereas in the pignus the mortgagee or creditor was in the possession. Such an hypotheca might be either express or implied, express, where the parties upon the occasion of a loan entered into express agreement to that effect; or implied, as, eg in the case of the stock and utensils of a farmer, which were subject to the landlord’s right as a creditor for rent; whence the Scotch law of phypothec. The word has suggested the term “hypothecate,” as used in the mercantile and maritime law of England. Thus, under the factor’s act, goods are frequently said to be “hypothecated;” and a captain is said to have a right to hypothecate his vessel for necessary repairs. HCB
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pledge money; earnest money; earnest
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plight : a solemnly given pledge : engagement
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