گزارش خطا در معنی کلمه 'ملک'

برای اصلاح خطاهایی که در معانی است، کافی است بر روی آیکن کلیک کنید. برای وارد کردن معانی جدید در انتها صفحه در قسمت 'معانی جدید' معانی خود را وارد کرده و بر روی دکمه 'ارسال' کلیک کنید .


1 general:: estate


2 general:: property


3 Law:: land : signifies generally not only arable ground, meadow, pasture, woods, moors, waters, etc, but also messuages and houses; comprehending everything of a permanent and substantial nature – JBS ● landed estate, landed property : a colloquial or popular phrase to denote real property ● property; manor : a house, dwelling, seat, or residence (Admittance – the admission, either on a surrender or on descent, of the tenant by the lord of the manor into the possession of a copyhold estate; whereby the tenant’s title to his estate was said to be perfected – JBSs ● real estate; real property; realty : a brief term for real property or real estate; also for anything which partakes of the nature of real property ● corporeal hereditaments : corporeal hereditaments are tangible items of property, such as land and buildings ● corporeal property (in Persian, properly عين): such as affects the senses, and may be seen and handled, as opposed to incorporeal property, which cannot be seen or handled, and exists only in contemplation ● landed estate ● premises : Land with its appurtenances and structures thereon. Premises is an elastic and inclusive term, and it does not have one definite and fixed meaning; its meaning is to be determined by its context and is dependent on circumstances in which used, and may mean a room, shop, building, or any definite area. HCB ● demesne (Fr) : 1. at common law, land held in one’s own right, and not through a superior 2. domain; realm (in most manors we find that species of tenants called copyholders, whose lands, though substantially their own property, are nominally part of the lord’s demesne – JBSi ● praedium (Lat) : in the civil law, land; an estate; a tenement; a piece of landed property – HCB ● acquest : an estate acquired newly, or by purchase, ie not by inheritance ● domain : the complete and absolute ownership of land. Also the real estate so owned. Additionally in English : The inherent sovereign power claimed by the legislature of a state, of controlling private property for public uses, is termed the “right of eminent domain.” HCB

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معانی جدید
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