(of water) that is not canonically drinkable or fit for cooking or washing or for any purpose other than irrigation and that is not to be touched
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(of liquids) that is not drinkable, touchable, or usable for any human purpose, such certain liquids including all alcoholic beverages and other liquids, including urine that are canonically pronounced untouchable
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(of a thing) : untouchable : that is canonically untouchable, and if brought to touch with any part of a human body that party of the body must be washed with clean water
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(of food) untouchable, and hence uneatable, such as any food canonically contaminated or containing meat or the flesh of an animal that is haram (opposite of halal)
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(of an animal) untouchable, such category of animals being limited to dogs, pigs and swine whose flesh is unconditionally haram ■ n
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anything that is intrinsically untouchable, typically urine and excrement, dogs and swine
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something that is ‘untouchable’ because of having been brought into contact with something else the latter being either intrinsically ‘untouchable’ or so because of having been brought into contact with another thing that has been made ‘untouchable’ . For example, baby diapers or clothing that is soiled because of contact with urine or excrement, its untouchability always capable of being removed by washing with pure water. – NOTE : This is a purely canonical term denoting anything that is ‘untouchable’ for ‘canonical’ reasons. If that thing happens to be brought into contact with any part of a person’s body that certain part of the body would have to be immediately, or as soon after as possible, washed with clean water. Some of the things that have been canonically singled out as ‘untouchable’ in Islam intrinsically also carry germs and are obviously unfit for human consumption such as excrement, and putrefied or stinking water which fact is also scientifically justified and by common sense for that matter. But, additionally, some other things that are canonically ‘untouchable’ are not only scientifically germ free (such as alcohol and all alcoholic drinks) but may even be germ-killers such alcohol, and anything containing alcohol, and even disinfectants if containing alcohol. So alcohol and alcoholic drinks are both ‘untouchable’ and ‘haram’. Additionally, except for the flesh of dogs and swine that is both haram and untouchable, there are countless animals, birds, and fish and other aquatics or amphibians whose flesh is canonically haram without being untouchable.
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