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واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
ارث بري/ / inheritance; descent; succession : The acquisition of rights or property by inheritance under the laws of descent and distribution. English ‘succession’ has a slightly broader sense than its Persian equivalent. (Succession – is where one comes to property previously enjoyed by another. It is either singular or universal. Singular succession is where the purchaser, donee, or legatee of a specific chattel, or other specific property, succeeds to the right of the vendor, donor, or testator. Universal succession is the succession to an indefinite series of rights, as the succession by the trustee of a bankrupt to the estate and effects of the bankrupt, or by an executor or administrator to the estate of the deceased – JBS( وراثت بهصورت مشاع coparcenary : An estate that arises when two or more persons jointly inherit from ancestor, the estate being shared equally, in title and right of possession
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