adj. VERBS appear, be, feel, look, seem ADV. greatly, highly, only too, really Mrs Cartwright said she would be only too delighted to present the prizes. | absolutely, quite | clearly, obviously, plainly | secretly ‘Poor Gloria, ’ she said, although she was secretly delighted. | genuinely PREP. at They were highly delighted at the court's decision. | by I'm delighted by your news. | with He's really delighted with his new CD player.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
very happy delighted [ not before noun ] very happy because something good has happened: • The doctors say they are delighted with her progress. thrilled [ not before noun ] very happy and excited about something: • He’s thrilled at the idea of going to Disneyworld. overjoyed [ not before noun ] very happy because you have heard some good news: • She was overjoyed when she found out that her son was safe. be on top of the world ( also be over the moon British English ) [ not before noun ] informal to be very happy: • I was over the moon when I won the championship. ecstatic extremely happy: • The crowd were ecstatic, and cheered wildly. • ecstatic fans blissful a blissful time is one in which you feel extremely happy: • We stayed on the islands for two blissful weeks. • It sounded blissful – sea, sun, and good food.