گزارش خطا در معنی کلمه 'fight'

برای اصلاح خطاهایی که در معانی است، کافی است بر روی آیکن کلیک کنید. برای وارد کردن معانی جدید در انتها صفحه در قسمت 'معانی جدید' معانی خود را وارد کرده و بر روی دکمه 'ارسال' کلیک کنید .


1 عمومی:: نبرد

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: زد وخورد

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: پیكار

شبکه مترجمین ایران

4 عمومی:: جنگ‌ كردن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

5 عمومی:: جنگ‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

6 عمومی:: كارزار

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   verb in a war/battle ADV. bravely, gallantly, valiantly | bitterly, hard | back, off VERB + FIGHT be prepared to, be ready to He did not believe that the enemy was ready to fight. | continue to PREP. against They fought bravely against the enemy. | alongside fighting alongside his comrades | for They fought for control of the island. | over fighting over disputed land struggle against/hit sb ADV. bitterly, hard | back, off The jeweller was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off. VERB + FIGHT be prepared to PREP. against She fought hard against his strong grip. | with Riot police fought with militants demonstrating in support of the uprising. in a contest ADV. bitterly, hard | successfully VERB + FIGHT be determined to, be prepared to, be ready to We need a good manager who is prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds. | continue to PREP. for Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for. PHRASES fiercely/keenly fought The second half was keenly fought, but neither side managed to score. try to stop/achieve sth ADV. hard, like a tiger, tooth and nail (= in a very determined way) He fought hard to overcome his disability. She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children. The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development. | doggedly, stubbornly, tenaciously | desperately | successfully | back, off It is time to fight back against street crime. VERB + FIGHT be determined to, be prepared to, be ready to, vow to | continue to | help (to) PREP. against They are committed to fighting against racism. | for fighting for equal rights argue ADV. bitterly PREP. about It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about. | over The children will fight over quite small things. | with He's always fighting with his brother.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: verb battle: We shall fight the enemy. noun contest: It will be a fight when they arrive.

Simple Definitions

3 general::   noun struggle using physical force ADJ. big | fierce, furious | real Suddenly the argument developed into a real fight. | good There's nothing he likes so much as a good fight. | fair It was a fair fight and Stephen won. | free They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people. | running He was killed during a series of running fights outside a disco. | stand-up, straight In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents. | pub, street | gang | fist | food, pillow, water | championship, title watching the world title fight between Tyson and Lewis | professional | heavyweight, etc. | bull (also bullfight), cock, dog VERB + FIGHT pick, start He tried to pick a fight with me. I don't know who started the fight. | be looking for, be spoiling for, want Andy was drunk and spoiling for a fight. | be in, get into, get involved in, get mixed up in, have Don't get into any more fights! | break up, stop The fight was broken up by a teacher. | win | lose | watch FIGHT + VERB take place The dog fights took place every Sunday morning. | break out, erupt, start | ensue A fight ensued which left one man dead. PREP. in a/the ~ He killed a man in a fight. | ~ about/over They nearly had a fight over who should move first. | ~ between fights between police and football fans | ~ with They got involved in a fight with some older boys. trying to get/do sth ADJ. brave, good, strong She died at the age of 43 after a brave fight against cancer. | hard, long, real, tough a long fight to beat inflation | bitter, desperate | legal VERB + FIGHT put up Coal workers are determined to put up a fight to save their jobs. | lead, spearhead leading the fight for compensation for the sacked workers | join (in) Doctors have now joined in the fight to make this treatment available to all. | face Now he is facing his toughest fight yet?back to fitness after a series of injuries. | be engaged in He is still engaged in a bitter fight with his old firm. | carry on, continue, keep up She said they would continue their fight to find a cure for Aids. | step up The government has vowed to step up the fight against crime. | take She vowed to take her fight to the High Court. | win | lose Are we losing the fight against illegal drugs? | give up She just gave up her fight for life. FIGHT + VERB be on The fight is on to have this brutal practice stamped out. | continue, go on The fight for justice goes on. PREP. without a ~ I'm not giving up without a fight! | ~ against a new weapon in the fight against car crime | ~ for their fight for a fair deal PHRASES a fight for life/survival the firm's desperate fight for survival in a cut-throat market | have a fight on your hands Union leaders know that they have got a real fight on their hands. competition ADJ. brave, good, great, strong, tremendous | straight VERB + FIGHT put up The team put up a good fight (= they played well) but were finally beaten. FIGHT + VERB be on PREP. ~ between This will be a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives: the other parties are nowhere. | ~ for The fight for supremacy in the sport is on. PHRASES a fight to the death (figurative) By 1807 politics had become a fight to the death between the two factions. | a fight to the finish If the polls are wrong and it's a fight to the finish, the result may not be known until all the votes have been counted. | have a fight on your hands She now has a fight on her hands (= will have to play very well) to make it through to the next round. | make a fight of it No doubt Ferguson wants his team to make a fight of it.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

4 general:: Phrase(s): fight (with) someone or something (about someone or something) to do battle or argue with someone or something about someone or something. • Let’s not fight with each other about this simple matter. • I don’t want to fight with you about this!

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

5 general:: when people hit or attack each other fight a situation in which people hit or attack each other because of an argument, or as a sport: • He had a fight with an older boy. • the famous fight between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman battle a fight between opposing armies or groups of people: • The English king was killed at the Battle of Hastings. • a battle between two rival gangs scuffle a short fight that is not very violent: • There was a short scuffle with the police, but no arrests were made. punch-up British English informal a fight in which people hit each other because of an argument: • The game turned into a punch-up. brawl a noisy fight between a group of people: • He was hurt in a drunken brawl. altercation formal a short noisy argument or fight, especially one that is not serious: • There was a brief altercation and someone called the police. riot a fight involving a large number of people, especially people who are protesting about something: • The book provoked riots all over Europe. when people try to achieve something fight the process in which people try to stop something bad from happening or to improve a situation: • Schools have an important part to play in the fight against drugs. • women’s fight for equality battle a fight to change a situation or deal with a problem in society: • The battle against racial discrimination is not over. campaign a planned series of actions intended to achieve something: • Motoring organizations started a campaign for safer roads. struggle a long, hard fight for freedom, independence, equal rights etc: • Nkrumah led the people in their struggle for independence. crusade someone’s fight against something they think is morally wrong: • She intends to continue her crusade against sex and violence on TV.


6 general:: Phrase(s): fight (with) someone or some creature (over someone or something) to fight with someone or an animal over who gets or keeps someone or something. • The terrier fought with the collie over the piece of meat. • I don’t want to fight you over Harry.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

7 general:: In addition to the idioms beginning with FIGHT, Also see CAN'T FIGHT CITY HALL.

American Heritage Idioms

8 general:: fight verbs have a fight • I didn’t want to have a fight with him. get into a fight (= become involved in a fight ) • The two men got into a fight over a girl. start a fight • They started a fight in the crowded bar. pick a fight (= deliberately start a fight ) • The guy tried to pick a fight with Jack. stop a fight/break up a fight • The police were called in to break up a fight outside a nightclub. win/lose a fight • He always won every fight he was in at school. be spoiling for a fight (= be very eager to fight with someone ) • The kids went round in gangs, all spoiling for a fight. a fight breaks out/erupts (= suddenly starts ) • A fight broke out and one man was struck on the head. a fight takes place (= happens ) • The fight took place outside a nightclub. ADJECTIVES/NOUN + fight a big fight • They ended up having a big fight in the pub. a fair fight • It was a fair fight, just two on two. a fierce fight • There was a fierce fight with rebel forces and several soldiers were killed. a street fight • There were reports of street fights every night in the local newspaper. a fist fight (= a fight in which people hit each other with their closed hands ) • A fist fight broke out after the match. a knife/sword fight • There have been several arrests, following knife fights between drunken fans. a title fight (= a fight between two boxers to decide who will win a competition ) • a heavyweight title fight


9 general:: fight back to defend yourself when someone attacks you or causes problems for you

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

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