شبکه مترجمین ایران
شبکه مترجمین ایران
شبکه مترجمین ایران
ذخیره وجوه احتیاطی
شبکه مترجمین ایران
شبکه مترجمین ایران
fund verbs set up/establish a fund • They have set up a fund to build a memorial to all those who died. manage/administer a fund • The fund is managed by an investment company. launch a fund (= start it ) • They plan to launch an investment fund by raising $40m from investors. ADJECTIVES/NOUN + fund a trust fund (= money that belongs to one person, but is controlled by another ) • Proceeds from the sale of the house will go into a trust fund for the children. a pension fund (= for paying pensions ) • the country’s largest private pension fund an investment fund (= for buying shares, property, etc in order to make a profit ) • The building is currently owned by Argo Partnership, a Toronto-based investment fund. a campaign fund (= for helping a political party or person to get elected ) • These social events help to raise campaign funds. a memorial fund (= for remembering the life of someone who has died ) • The work is being paid for out of the memorial fund launched after Morris’s death. a benevolent/charitable fund (= for giving help to poor people ) • He contributed the sum of £1,500 to the benevolent fund. an appeal fund (= money collected to help people who are in a very bad situation ) • The appeal fund has now reached £65,000.
verb ADV. largely, mainly | entirely The venture is funded entirely by its board of directors. | partially, partly | generously, properly, well | fully a new, fully funded training scheme | adequately | inadequately, poorly | centrally, directly The school opted out of local authority control and is funded directly by the government. | publicly | externally, independently, privately | jointly a scheme jointly funded by central and local government VERB + FUND be used to, help (to) This money will help to fund administration costs. | agree to | refuse to
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
noun sum of money collected for a particular purpose ADJ. large | appeal, charitable, charity The newspaper launched an appeal fund for victims of the disaster. | benevolent, campaign, investment, memorial, pension, prize, social, trust a benevolent fund for retired actors VERB + FUND create, establish, launch, set up, start They set up an investment fund to provide money for their retirement. | administer, manage | draw on They don't want to draw on the fund unless they have to. PREP. in a/the ~ There is currently over £200,000 in the fund. | into a/the ~ The money received is paid directly into a pension fund. FUND + NOUN holder, manager 2 funds money that is available and can be spent ADJ. sufficient | insufficient | limited There are only limited funds available. | unlimited | surplus | available | government, private, public VERB + FUND have We have insufficient funds to pay for the building work. | be out of, be short of We are short of funds at the moment, so we are not going on holiday. | appeal for The school is appealing for funds to invest in new equipment. | borrow, boost, build up, collect, generate, get, obtain, raise, receive, secure | allocate, lend, make available, provide, release Funds will be made available to ensure the provision of hospital services. | channel, direct, use The government is to channel more funds into local development schemes. FUND + NOUN raiser (also fund-raiser), raising (also fund-raising) PREP. ~ for a charity event to raise funds for local schools | ~ from Funds from the event will support the work of the hospice. PHRASES access to funds The current account offers savers instant access to funds. | a flow of funds the flow of funds between various economic sectors | a lack/shortage of funds The project was hampered by lack of funds.BUSINESS
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
noun savings: The Christmas fund has money.
Simple Definitions