Phrase(s): kiss someone or something off Fig. to dismiss someone or something lightly; to abandon or write off someone or something. • I kissed off about $200 on that last deal. • They kissed me off and that was the end of that job.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
Phrase(s): kiss off 1. Sl. to die. • The cat is going to have to kiss off one of these days soon. • The cat kissed off after eighteen years of joy and devotion. 2. Sl. death. (Usually kiss-off.) • When the time comes for the kiss-off, I hope I’m asleep. • The kiss-off came wrapped in lead, and it was instant. 3. Sl. the dismissal of someone or something. (Usually kiss-off.) • The kiss-off was when I lost the Wilson contract. • Pete got the kiss-off and is now looking for a new job.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
Phrase(s): kiss someone off Sl. to kill someone. • Max kissed Lefty off with a small gun he carried in his boot. • He kissed off Lefty with a small gun.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs