گزارش خطا در معنی کلمه 'knock'

برای اصلاح خطاهایی که در معانی است، کافی است بر روی آیکن کلیک کنید. برای وارد کردن معانی جدید در انتها صفحه در قسمت 'معانی جدید' معانی خود را وارد کرده و بر روی دکمه 'ارسال' کلیک کنید .


1 هوافضا:: ناک

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: بهم‌ خوردن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: زدن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

4 عمومی:: بد گویی‌ كردن‌ از

شبکه مترجمین ایران

5 عمومی:: درزدن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

6 عمومی:: كوبیدن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   noun firm sharp sound ADJ. loud, sharp | gentle, light | determined | timid VERB + KNOCK hear | answer She hurried to answer the knock at the door. PHRASES a knock at/on the door There was a loud knock at the door. sharp blow from sth ADJ. hard, nasty, severe (figurative) the hard knocks of life | minor VERB + KNOCK get, have, take You've had a nasty knock on the head. (figurative) Their pride took quite a knock when they lost 5?0. | give sb/sth PREP. ~ on

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: knock off ( sth ) informal to stop working, usually at the end of the day • I don't knock off until six. • What time do you knock off work?

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

3 general:: knock around/about informal RELAX 1. to spend time relaxing and doing very little • I spent the weekend just knocking about the house.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

4 general:: knock sth off [ M ] STEAL 1. ( US knock sth over ) slang to steal something • He has a stack of computer equipment he's knocked off from various shops. • Terrorist groups are knocking off ( US also knocking over ) banks to get money. • He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

5 general:: knock yourself out [ R ] informal to make yourself ill with tiredness • If you carry on working like this, you'll knock yourself out.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

6 general:: knock sth together/up [ M ] informal to make something quickly and without much care • I could knock together a quick lunch if you like.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

7 general::   verb hit/bump ADV. accidentally I accidentally knocked the vase off the table. | about, aside, over Her boyfriend had been knocking her about. Mind you don't knock that glass over. PREP. against The stick knocked against the wall. | off He had knocked one of the pictures off the wall. | on I knocked my head on one of the beams. PHRASES knock sb/sth flying He was knocked flying as two policemen came crashing through the door. | knock sb off their feet The explosion knocked him off his feet. | knock sb out/senseless/unconscious The blow knocked him unconscious. | knock sb to the ground bang on a door ADV. loudly | softly | politely, timidly PREP. at Someone knocked loudly at the door. | on She knocked timidly on the study door and entered. PHRASES without knocking Dobson walked straight into her office without knocking.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

8 general:: knock sb out [ M ] MAKE SLEEP 2. If a drug or alcohol knocks you out, it makes you go to sleep • The sleeping tablets knocked him out for 18 hours.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

9 general:: knock sth over [ M ] US for knock sth off (= steal something)

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

10 general:: knock sb about/around informal to behave violently towards someone and hit them • Her husband used to knock her about.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

11 general:: knock sth off ( sth ) [ M ] informal to take a particular amount away from a price • The manager knocked £5 off because it was damaged.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs


American Heritage Idioms

13 general:: knock sb over [ M usually passive ] to hit someone with a vehicle and injure or kill them • She got knocked over by a taxi as she ran for the bus.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

14 general:: knock sth out [ M ] PRODUCE 1. informal to produce something quickly without spending time thinking about the details • I've knocked out a first draft of the report which we can amend at a later date.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

15 general:: knock about/around (sth) informal to be in a place which is not exactly known or in various places especially over a long period of time • I'm sure I've got a copy of 'Time's Arrow' knocking about somewhere. • He spent years knocking around the Far East before World War One.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

16 general:: knock sth down [ M ] to destroy a building or part of a building • The Council plans to knock the library down and replace it with a hotel complex. • figurative: She easily knocked down every argument he put up.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

17 general:: knock up Players knock up before beginning a game of tennis or similar sport by hitting the ball to each other • The players have a couple of minutes to knock up before the match starts.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

18 general:: knock sb up [ M ] MAKE PREGNANT 2. slang to make a woman pregnant • You don't want to get knocked up by some guy you hardly know.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

19 general:: knock sb up [ M ] WAKE UP 1. UK informal to wake someone up by knocking on the door of their house or bedroom • I'm sorry to have to knock you up in the middle of the night.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

20 general:: knock sth out of sb If a quality is knocked out of someone, they lose that quality because the situation they are in does not allow it to exist • Any creativity I had was soon knocked out of me at school.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

21 general:: knock sth off [ M ] PRODUCE 2. informal to produce something quickly and easily • She can knock off (= write) a novel in a couple of weeks.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

22 general:: knock sb out [ M ] MAKE UNCONSCIOUS 1. to hit someone so that they become unconscious • [ R ]: She hit her head on the ceiling and knocked herself out.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

23 general:: knock sth out [ M ] DESTROY 2. If something such as a piece of equipment is knocked out by something else, it stops working or is damaged or destroyed • The surge in the power supply knocked out all the computers. • Enemy aircraft have knocked out 25 tanks.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

24 general:: noun thumps: We heard a knock on the door. verb beat: We knocked on the door.

Simple Definitions

25 general:: knock sb out [ M ] DEFEAT 3. to defeat a person or a team in a competition so that they can no longer take part in it • The champion was unexpectedly knocked out ( of the tournament) in the first round.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

26 general:: knock around/about informal BE WITH SOMEONE 2. to spend a lot of time with someone • I used to knock around with him at school.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

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