Phrase(s): make a fool (out) of someone [and] make a monkey (out) of someone to make someone look foolish. • John made a monkey out of himself while trying to make a fool out of Jim. • John made a fool out of himself at the party. • Are you trying to make a monkey out of me?
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
Also, make an ass or monkey out of. Cause someone or oneself to look foolish or stupid. For example, John doesn't mind making a fool of himself at parties, or They made an ass of me by giving me the wrong instructions, or just watch him make a monkey out of this amateur chess player. The use of fool and ass date from the early 1600s; the latter is sometimes put more rudely as make a horse's ass of, alluding to a horse's behind. The use of monkey dates from about 1900.
American Heritage Idioms