گزارش خطا در معنی کلمه 'mountain'

برای اصلاح خطاهایی که در معانی است، کافی است بر روی آیکن کلیک کنید. برای وارد کردن معانی جدید در انتها صفحه در قسمت 'معانی جدید' معانی خود را وارد کرده و بر روی دکمه 'ارسال' کلیک کنید .


1 عمومی:: (بصورت‌ جمع‌) كوهستان‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: كوه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: كوهستانی‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: mountain a very high hill: • the highest mountain in Austria hill an area of land that is higher than the land around it, which is like a mountain but smaller and usually has a rounded top: • We went for a walk in the hills. • The house is surrounded by woods, farmland and gentle hills. Mount ( also Mt written abbreviation ) used in the names of mountains. Don’t say ‘Fuji Mountain’ – say ‘Mount Fuji’: • Mount Everest cliff the steep side of an area of land, often next to the sea: • the white cliffs of Dover precipice especially literary a very steep and dangerous cliff: • They were standing on the edge of a precipice. crag a high steep rock or mountain: • An eagle sailed over the high crags. ridge a long narrow area of high ground, especially at the top of a mountain: • I could see a group of climbers high up on a ridge. knoll a small round hill: • a grassy knoll volcano a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava (= hot liquid rock ) is sometimes forced out: • the eruption of a volcano summit the very highest point of a mountain: • the summit of Mt Everest peak especially literary the top of a mountain: • the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas • a distant peak range/chain a group of mountains or hills arranged in a line: • the mountain range that is part of the border between Norway and Sweden foothills a group of smaller hills below a range of high mountains: • the Sierra foothills



American Heritage Idioms

3 general:: noun peak: The mountain was 3099 meters high.

Simple Definitions

4 general::   noun very high hill ADJ. big, great, high, huge, large, lofty, massive, tall, towering | small | steep | low | beautiful, dramatic, fine, majestic, spectacular | surrounding The surrounding mountains make the city difficult to evacuate. | distant | isolated, remote | inland | jagged, rocky, rugged | snow-capped, snow-covered, snowy | holy the holy mountain of the Lapp community QUANT. chain, range a chain/range of mountains VERB + MOUNTAIN ascend, climb, come/go up, scale | come/go down, descend, walk down | walk in We enjoy walking in the mountains. | cross (over) MOUNTAIN + VERB rise, soar, tower The mountains here rise to well over 2,000m. | fall The mountains fall to the east to the flat expanse of the plateau. | surround sth Towering mountains surrounded the village. | shake The earth tremor made the mountains shake. MOUNTAIN + NOUN chain, range | area, country, environment, region Between the two towns was 50 miles of mountain country. | height We crossed the rugged mountain heights. | pass, path, road, route, track | landscape, scenery | crag, face, flank, peak, ridge, side, slope, top, valley, wall | cave | lake, stream | air Many people come to the resort simply to enjoy the fresh mountain air. | pasture | barrier The invading army could only penetrate the mountain barrier at one point. | village | fastness, fortress, stronghold | hut, lodge, resort | folk, men, people | climber, climbing, walking, walks | guide | rescue, rescue team | bike, biker, biking | sickness | boot | goat, gorilla, hare, sheep PREP. across/over/through the ~ a pass through the mountains | down/up a/the ~ She arranged to meet the others halfway up the mountain. | in the ~s This type of goat lives high up in the mountains. PHRASES the flank/side/slope of a mountain, the foot/bottom/top of a mountain large amount/number of sth ADJ. great | debt | paper | butter, food, etc. They revealed a solution to reduce Europe's butter mountain. VERB + MOUNTAIN generate | reduce PHRASES a mountain of paper/paperwork The enquiry generated a mountain of paperwork.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

5 general:: mountain adjectives high • These mountains are much higher than any in Europe. rugged mountains (= rough and uneven ) • the spectacular scenery of rugged mountains a snow-capped mountain (= with snow on the top ) • beautiful views of snow-capped mountains a distant mountain (= far away ) • The sun was setting over the distant mountains. a great mountain (= a high, impressive mountain ) • Here, great mountains are all around. a sacred mountain (= considered holy ) • Mount Fuji is a sacred mountain. verbs go/walk up a mountain ( also ascend a mountain formal ) • Carrie and Albert went up the mountain, neither of them speaking as they climbed. climb a mountain (= walk and/or climb to the top of a mountain ) • Hillary had climbed all the big mountains in New Zealand. go/walk down a mountain • She lost her way as she went down the mountain. cross the mountains • We crossed the mountains between Spain and France. mountains rise (= go high into the sky ) • The mountains rise above the plains. moutains soar/tower literary (= go very high into the sky ) • The distant mountains soar abruptly towards the sky. mountain + NOUN a mountain range/chain (= a number of mountains in a line ) • The Alps are the largest mountain range in Europe. a mountain top • Until the end of June you may find snow on the mountain tops. a mountain peak (= the top of a mountain ) • Clouds hid the mountain peaks. a mountain slope (= the sides of a mountain ) • Snow lay on the steep mountain slopes. a mountain pass (= a path or road between mountains ) • Their journey took them through river valleys and over mountain passes. a mountain stream • The water was as clear and cold as a mountain stream. mountain air • a walk in the clear mountain air mountain rescue (= people who help people who are in difficulty on a mountain ) • Mountain rescue teams were called out to search for the missing climbers. phrases the top of a mountain ( also the summit of a mountain formal ) • We climbed to the top of the mountain. the foot of a mountain (= the bottom of a mountain ) • We’ll take the car to the foot of the mountain and walk from there. the side of a mountain • The path wound up the side of the mountain.


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