mountain a very high hill: • the highest mountain in Austria hill an area of land that is higher than the land around it, which is like a mountain but smaller and usually has a rounded top: • We went for a walk in the hills. • The house is surrounded by woods, farmland and gentle hills. Mount ( also Mt written abbreviation ) used in the names of mountains. Don’t say ‘Fuji Mountain’ – say ‘Mount Fuji’: • Mount Everest cliff the steep side of an area of land, often next to the sea: • the white cliffs of Dover precipice especially literary a very steep and dangerous cliff: • They were standing on the edge of a precipice. crag a high steep rock or mountain: • An eagle sailed over the high crags. ridge a long narrow area of high ground, especially at the top of a mountain: • I could see a group of climbers high up on a ridge. knoll a small round hill: • a grassy knoll volcano a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava (= hot liquid rock ) is sometimes forced out: • the eruption of a volcano summit the very highest point of a mountain: • the summit of Mt Everest peak especially literary the top of a mountain: • the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas • a distant peak range/chain a group of mountains or hills arranged in a line: • the mountain range that is part of the border between Norway and Sweden foothills a group of smaller hills below a range of high mountains: • the Sierra foothills
noun very high hill ADJ. big, great, high, huge, large, lofty, massive, tall, towering | small | steep | low | beautiful, dramatic, fine, majestic, spectacular | surrounding The surrounding mountains make the city difficult to evacuate. | distant | isolated, remote | inland | jagged, rocky, rugged | snow-capped, snow-covered, snowy | holy the holy mountain of the Lapp community QUANT. chain, range a chain/range of mountains VERB + MOUNTAIN ascend, climb, come/go up, scale | come/go down, descend, walk down | walk in We enjoy walking in the mountains. | cross (over) MOUNTAIN + VERB rise, soar, tower The mountains here rise to well over 2,000m. | fall The mountains fall to the east to the flat expanse of the plateau. | surround sth Towering mountains surrounded the village. | shake The earth tremor made the mountains shake. MOUNTAIN + NOUN chain, range | area, country, environment, region Between the two towns was 50 miles of mountain country. | height We crossed the rugged mountain heights. | pass, path, road, route, track | landscape, scenery | crag, face, flank, peak, ridge, side, slope, top, valley, wall | cave | lake, stream | air Many people come to the resort simply to enjoy the fresh mountain air. | pasture | barrier The invading army could only penetrate the mountain barrier at one point. | village | fastness, fortress, stronghold | hut, lodge, resort | folk, men, people | climber, climbing, walking, walks | guide | rescue, rescue team | bike, biker, biking | sickness | boot | goat, gorilla, hare, sheep PREP. across/over/through the ~ a pass through the mountains | down/up a/the ~ She arranged to meet the others halfway up the mountain. | in the ~s This type of goat lives high up in the mountains. PHRASES the flank/side/slope of a mountain, the foot/bottom/top of a mountain large amount/number of sth ADJ. great | debt | paper | butter, food, etc. They revealed a solution to reduce Europe's butter mountain. VERB + MOUNTAIN generate | reduce PHRASES a mountain of paper/paperwork The enquiry generated a mountain of paperwork.