شبکه مترجمین ایران
شبکه مترجمین ایران
noun fictitious story: That is just a myth that he could fly.
Simple Definitions
noun story from ancient times ADJ. ancient, classical | religious | Christian, Greek, Norse, Roman, etc. | creation (= that explains how the world began) the creation myths of the Eskimos PREP. ~ about the myth about the golden apple idea/belief which is untrue/impossible ADJ. great There is a great myth that all sports players are stupid. | powerful | enduring, persistent | complete, total It's a complete myth that he has royal blood. | modern | folk, popular, widely held | national The battle has become part of national myth. | historical, political The propaganda of both sides relies heavily on historical myth. | heroic, romantic Propaganda has turned the former president into a heroic myth. | pernicious | cosy The film tears down the cosy myths about fair play in war. VERB + MYTH create, cultivate, establish How did the myth get so firmly established in the popular consciousness? | counter, counteract | bury, debunk, destroy, dispel, dispose of, explode, lay to rest, puncture, scotch, tear down | feed, foster, keep alive, maintain, perpetuate, sustain | be based on People's faith in the Emperor was based on the myth that he was infallible. MYTH + VERB surround sth trying to lay to rest the myths surrounding mental disabilities | persist The myth persists that men are more intelligent than women. PREP. ~ about a popular myth about twins | ~ of perpetuating the myth of racial superiority PHRASES contrary to popular myth Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
myth verbs create a myth • Stalin created a lot of myths about himself. believe a myth • People still believe the myth that money will bring them happiness. explode/dispel/debunk a myth (= show that it is not true ) • Our goal is to debunk the myth that science is boring. perpetuate a myth (= make it continue ) • Let’s stop perpetuating this myth. a myth grows up (= starts ) • A number of myths have grown up about their relationship. a myth persists (= it continues ) • The myth still persists that we need to build more roads. myth has it that ... (= there is a myth that ) • Myth had it that Mrs Thatcher only needed four hours sleep a night. adjectives a common/popular myth (= that many people believe ) • Contrary to popular myth, most road accidents are not the result of speeding. a modern myth • Is it a modern myth that we are living in a classless society? a powerful myth (= that has a lot of influence on people ) • There is a powerful myth that crime has increased – in fact there was much more crime 100 years ago. an enduring myth (= that has continued for a long time ) • The idea that Kennedy was shot by the CIA is one of the enduring myths of our time. phrases be a complete/total myth • It’s a complete myth that eating carrots helps you to see in the dark. be a bit of a myth (= be not really true ) • The whole story is a bit of a myth. the myths surrounding something (= relating to something ) • the myths surrounding rural life