Excluded from benefits given to others, neglected, as in Her stand on abortion left her out in the cold with the party. This idiom alludes to being left outdoors without shelter. [Mid-1800s] Also see COME IN FROM THE COLD.
American Heritage Idioms
Phrase(s): *out in the cold 1. Lit. outdoors where it is cold. (*Typically: be ~; keep someone or some creature ~; leave someone or some creature ~; put someone or some creature ~.) • Open the door! Let me in! Don’t keep me out in the cold! • Who left the dog out in the cold all night? 2. Fig. not informed about what is happening or has happened. (*Typically: be ~; keep someone ~; leave someone ~.) • Don’t keep your supervisor out in the cold. Tell her what’s going on. • Please don’t leave me out in the cold. Share the news with me! 3. Fig. excluded. (*Typically: be ~; keep someone ~; leave someone ~.) • There was a party last night, but my friends left me out in the cold. • When it came to the final prizes in the dog show, they left our animals out in the cold.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs