شبکه مترجمین ایران
علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
racial nouns racial discrimination (= when particular races of people are treated unfairly ) • We found no evidence of racial discrimination. racial equality (= when people of all races have the same rights and advantages ) • We are firmly committed to achieving racial equality. racial prejudice (= unreasonable bad opinions of someone based on their race ) • He claimed that his opponents were motivated by racial prejudice. racial hatred (= hatred of people based on their race ) • He was prosecuted for inciting racial hatred. racial harassment (= threatening behaviour towards someone of another race ) • The court case increased public awareness of sexual and racial harassment in the workplace. racial tension (= bad feelings between people of different races, which could develop into violence ) • His arrest is likely to heighten racial tensions. racial violence • We can't rest until there is no more racial violence. racial harmony (= when people of different races live or work together and trust each other ) • Dr King's dream of racial harmony has never been fully realized. racial segregation (= when people of different races are kept apart and forced to live, work etc separately ) • The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibited racial segregation in public buildings. racial abuse (= insulting remarks based on someone's race ) • Their children had begun to face racial abuse on the streets and in school. a racial attack • He was the victim of a racial attack.
adj. nationality: He was a racial minority.
Simple Definitions