گزارش خطا در معنی کلمه 'rack'

برای اصلاح خطاهایی که در معانی است، کافی است بر روی آیکن کلیک کنید. برای وارد کردن معانی جدید در انتها صفحه در قسمت 'معانی جدید' معانی خود را وارد کرده و بر روی دکمه 'ارسال' کلیک کنید .


1 کشاورزی:: قفسه سینه

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 برق و الکترونیک:: رک

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: ط‌اقچه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

4 عمومی:: قفسه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

5 عمومی:: بار بند

شبکه مترجمین ایران

6 عمومی:: جا كلاهی‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

7 عمومی:: نوعی‌ الت‌ شكنجه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

8 عمومی:: چنگك‌ جا لباسی‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: In addition to the idioms beginning with RACK, Also see ON THE RACK.

American Heritage Idioms

2 general:: noun stand: The magazines were in the rack. verb tormented: His body was racked with pain.

Simple Definitions

3 general:: rack sth up [ M ] 2. to increase something such as a rent or price, especially by an amount that is considered to be too much • Our landlord racked up the rent by 15% this year.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

4 general:: rack sth up [ M ] 1. mainly US informal to gradually get more points, profits, etc.; to accumulate • He has racked up 450 points in three months. • Astronomical profits/losses were racked up by airlines last year.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

5 general::   noun ADJ. display, storage | cooling, drying | letter, luggage, magazine, plate, spice, toast, vegetable, wine, etc. | roof We fixed the canoe onto the car's roof rack. VERB + RACK hang sth on, put sth on/onto/in/into, stack sth in/on, store sth in/on The wine is stored in special racks. RACK + VERB contain sth, hold sth The racks along the wall held most of the costumes. PREP. in a/the ~ He replaced the CD in the rack. | on a/the ~ Spread the flowers out to dry on a rack. | ~ for a rack for storing apples | ~ of racks of magazines

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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