Phrase(s): ring someone up to call someone on the telephone. • I will ring her up when I get a chance. • I have to ring up a whole list of people.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
1. Record, especially by means of a cash register, as in They had already rung up the sale so I decided not to get the extra items. [c. 1930] Although older cash registers usually signaled a recorded sale with the ringing of a bell, the idiom survives in the age of computers. 2. Accomplish, achieve, as in They rang up an impressive string of victories.
American Heritage Idioms
Phrase(s): ring something up to record the cost of an item on a cash register. • Please ring this chewing gum up first, and I’ll put it in my purse. • The cashier rang up each item and told me how much money I owed.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs