داستان آبیدیک

I've got work to do

a͡iv gɑt wɜɹk to du


1 general:: Phrase(s): I’ve got work to do 1. Lit. I’m too busy to stay here any longer. • Jane: Time to go. I’ve got work to do. John: Me too. See you. • Bob: I have to leave now. Bill: So soon? Bob: Yes, I’ve got work to do. 2. Fig. Do not bother me. I’m busy. • Bill: Can I ask you a question? Jane: Not right now. I’ve got work to do. • Mary: There are some things we have to get straightened out on this Wilson contract. John: I’ve got work to do. It will have to wait.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

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