داستان آبیدیک

It's time we should be going

ɪts ta͡im wi ʃʊd bi goɪŋ


1 general:: Phrase(s): It’s time we should be going. a statement made by one member of a pair (or group) of guests to the other member( s), indicating a desire to leave. (Typically, a way for one person in a couple to signal the other, indicating a desire to leave.) • Mr. Franklin looked at his wife and said softly, "It’s time we should be going." • Tom: Well, I suppose it’s time we should be going. Mary: Yes, we really should. Alice: So early?

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

معنی‌های پیشنهادی کاربران

آنیتا پورشفق 19 شهریور 1403
I go من میرم I am going دارم میرم I might going شاید برم I have going باید برم
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