داستان آبیدیک

blood urea nitrogen


1 صنایع غذایی:: نیتروژن اوره خون

Serum AST, ALT, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, BUN and creatinine concentrations were measured according to the manufacturer's recommendations with an automated hematology analyzer (Hemagen Analyst, Hemagen Diagnostic, USA) and the concentration of HDL was measured in AU 400 (Olympus, Japan) blood. In order to investigate the effects of the test substance of the present invention on the recovery of damaged kidneys, changes in kidney weight, blood BUN, blood creatinine, and denatured tubule number were measured. Chronic diabetes mellitus leads to glomerular atrophy and fibrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration and tubular necrosis, and consequent renal lesions with increased blood levels of BUN and creatinine, called diabetic nephropathy (Imaeda A, et. al . Among them, blood BUN and creatinine content are the most representative blood chemistry indicative of kidney status (Sodikoff CH. Example 8-2 Blood BUN Change in content

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