داستان آبیدیک

european emergency number association


1 مکانیک:: انجمن شماره‌های اضطراری اروپا

DJI and EENA Release White Paper Sharing Insights for Improving Emergency Response with Drones in First Responder Scenarios November 10, 2016 - DJI, the world's leading maker of unmanned aerial vehicles, in partnership with European Emergency Number Association (EENA) on Thursday released a white paper sharing insights and best practices from a year-long project with the European emergency-response community promoting the safe integration of drones in emergency situations. "The project has been a real window into how RPAS are being used and may be used during emergency responses," said Tony O'Brien, EENA. EENA will continue to focus on the topic as we firmly believe in the technology and what it can do help the emergency services to make more informed decisions.

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