داستان آبیدیک

information asymmetry


1 حسابداری و مالی:: عدم تقارن اطلاعاتی

information asymmetry problem between those with funds to invest and those needing funds. They reduce, or more accurately, are expected to reduce information asymmetry. There are many benefits that financial intermediaries bring to the table like providing the convenience of meeting the specific financial needs-be it amount, maturity, or terms-at low costs due to economies of scale and reducing information asymmetry by transparent and fair operations and pricing. This explains the need for reduc- ing information asymmetry, increasing transparency in operations, ensuring fair play, and avoidance of "mis-selling." The regulators and lawmakers are interested in ensuring that the mar- kets are fair, and there is no information asymmetry where the participants make informed decisions based on transparency of price and the related risks.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: عدم تقارن اطلاعات، نامتقارنی اطلاعاتی

Accord-ing to the information asymmetry theory (Akerlof, 1970), firms disclose more information to reduceinformation asymmetry between principals (investors) and agents (managers).،

شبکه مترجمین ایران

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