داستان آبیدیک

information literacy instruction


1 عمومی:: آموزش سواد اطلاعاتی

Man- aging higher-order thinking skills as part of information literacy instruction requires paying attention to differences. Weiner did a content analysis of litera- ture from education, library science, and health science, finding that information literacy was involved with all Bloom's cognitive func- tions.This finding suggests that information literacy instruction could be powerful in teaching the concepts in Bloom's taxonomy and improving higher-order thinking skills. Oakleaf (2009) presents the "Information Literacy Instruction Assessment Cycle (ILIAC)," which "encourages librarians to articulate learning outcomes clearly, analyze them meaningfully, celebrate learning achievements, and diagnose problem areas." Assessment is an essential part of the culture of accountability and crucial to information literacy instruction. Kirton, Barham, and Brady (2008) report on research on the use of critical thinking skills in information literacy instruction in academic and government libraries.

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