داستان آبیدیک

like gangbusters

la͡ik gæŋbʌstəɹz


1 general:: Phrase(s): like gangbusters with great excitement and speed. (From the phrase "Come on like gangbusters," a radio show that "came on" with lots of noise and excitement.) • She works like gangbusters and gets the job done. • They are selling tickets like gangbusters.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

2 general:: Energetically, forcefully, loudly. For example, This is a soft passage? the horns shouldn't come in like gangbusters. This expression alludes to a popular radio series entitled Gangbusters, which featured explosive sound effects, such as gunfire and sirens, at the beginning of each episode. [Slang; late 1930s]

American Heritage Idioms

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