, tem- porary occlusion during aneurysm surgery).
One case series and informal colleague communications indicate that it is being used to provide protection during both aneurysm surgery286 and carotid endarterectomy (CEA).
Etomidate was proposed as a potential pro- tective anesthetic in the setting of aneurysm surgery.290 It also produces CMR suppression to an extent equivalent to barbiturates, and similar to the barbiturates, etomidate is an agonist at the (inhibitory) GABAA receptor.
Results of a pilot study clearly demonstrated a trend toward improved neurologic outcome in hypothermic patients undergo- ing intracranial aneurysm clipping.301 Unfortunately, the subsequent definitive Intraoperative Hypothermia for Aneurysm Surgery Trial (IHAST) did not demonstrate
Consequently, an argument has been advanced that mild hypothermia may be of benefit in patients with high- grade aneurysms or in those in whom the complexity of the aneurysm clipping is such that prolonged temporary clipping may be required.
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