داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: استدلال، آرگومان

If the spectral distribution function has k points of discontinuity at l1, . . . ,lk then a simple extension of the argument used in the proof of Proposition 4.17 gives the representation

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: نشانوند

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: جستار، جر و بحث، بحث وجدل، استدلال‌، شناسه، بحث

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: argument verbs have an argument • I could hear my parents having an argument downstairs. get into an argument/become involved in an argument • She didn’t want to get into another argument about money. • I left to avoid becoming involved in an argument. start/cause an argument • He was deliberately trying to start an argument. • Money often causes arguments. avoid an argument • I was anxious to avoid an argument. win/lose an argument • The party hopes to win the argument about how to reform the health system. • The first one who resorts to violence is usually the one who’s lost the argument. an argument breaks out (= it starts ) • The men were drunk and an argument soon broke out. an argument erupts (= a big argument suddenly starts ) • A bitter argument erupted between the brothers over who should inherit the money. adjectives a big/huge/massive argument • There was a big argument about whether we should move to a new house. a heated argument (= involving very strong feelings ) • Someone was having a heated argument with a police officer. a bitter argument • There are bitter arguments about whether he was a hero or a war criminal. a furious/fierce argument • As soon as she had gone a furious argument broke out. a violent argument • The singer was hurt in a violent argument with her husband.


2 general:: see under PICK A QUARREL.

American Heritage Idioms

3 general:: noun quarrel: The argument lasted over one hour.

Simple Definitions

4 general:: argument a situation in which people speak angrily to each other because they disagree about something: • an argument between two drivers over who had right of way • A 29-year-old man was shot and killed today after an argument over a gambling debt. row British English , fight especially American English a loud angry argument with someone, especially your boyfriend, girlfriend, or someone in your family. Row is also used about a serious disagreement between politicians about important public issues: • There were always fights between my parents. • the continuing row over tax increases • A few months ago they had a big row, and Steve drove off and spent the weekend in London. disagreement a situation in which people disagree with each other, but without shouting or getting angry: • There were the occasional disagreements about money, but mostly we got on well. • Ginny had left the company after a disagreement with her boss. quarrel especially British English an argument, especially one in which people get angry and that lasts a long time. Quarrel sounds more formal and more serious than argument or row: • a bitter family quarrel feud a very bitter argument between two groups, especially families, which lasts for many years and causes people to hate each other: • The feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys raged for 20 years. dispute a public or legal argument about something, especially one which continues for a long time: • Morris has been involved in a long legal dispute with his publisher. • The settlement will resolve a long-running dispute over the country’s nuclear program. war/battle of words an argument in which two people or groups criticize each other continuously in public: • The war of words over construction delays at the airport has erupted again. bust-up British English informal a very bad argument, especially one in which people decide to separate from each other: • He had a bust-up with the team manager. shouting match an angry argument in which people shout at each other: • He got into a shouting match with another driver. slanging match British English informal an argument in which people insult each other: • He was sacked after a slanging match with a colleague. an argument that is not very serious squabble an argument about something that is not important: • There were the usual squabbles between brothers and sisters. • Voters are tired of petty squabbles between party leaders. tiff informal an argument that is not very serious, between people who are in love: • Gary had a bit of a tiff with his girlfriend. misunderstanding a slight argument – a rather formal word which is often used humorously: • There was a slight misunderstanding over the bill, but everything’s been sorted out now. skirmish a short argument, especially between politicians or sports opponents: • Evans and O'Brien had several political skirmishes.


5 general::   noun angry discussion ADJ. angry, bitter, heated, violent | big I had a big argument with my mother this morning. | little, silly, stupid VERB + ARGUMENT become/get involved in, get into, have I don't want to get into an argument with her. | cause, provoke, start | lose, win I was determined to win the argument. ARGUMENT + VERB arise, break out, develop, erupt Minutes later a violent argument erupted. PREP. ~ about We had an argument about what we should buy. | ~ between an argument between her parents | ~ over The argument over decentralization will probably continue for ever. | ~ with an argument with his wife reason supporting opinion ADJ. basic, general | main | good, major, powerful, sound, strong, valid | compelling, conclusive, convincing, persuasive | plausible Their argument sounds plausible but is it really valid? | spurious, tenuous, weak | balanced | logical, rational, reasoned | economic, moral, political, theoretical VERB + ARGUMENT advance, deploy, offer, present, put forward He put forward some very convincing arguments. | develop This argument is developed further in the next chapter. | illustrate, support, underline Do you have any evidence to support your argument? | consider, hear, listen to | accept, agree with | dismiss, reject The company dismissed his arguments as alarmist. | counter, refute She tried to think how to refute the argument on moral grounds. ARGUMENT + VERB be based on sth The government's argument is always based on how much such a scheme would cost. | go, run Centralized government, so the argument goes, is too far removed from the problems of ordinary citizens. | apply (for sth) The same argument applies to fox-hunting. | justify sth | suggest sth These arguments suggest that the medical establishment had an interest in suppressing the research. PREP. ~ against the arguments against increasing taxes | ~ concerning arguments concerning the nature of morality | ~ for There is a very good argument for increasing spending on education. | ~ in favour of What are the arguments in favour of change? PHRASES all/both sides of an argument He was able to see both sides of the argument. | a flaw in the argument I can see no flaw in the argument as she has just explained it. | a line of argument I can see a few problems with this line of argument.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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