داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: تهاجم کردن، تعرض کردن، افند، تك‌، هجوم کردن، یورش آوردن، تکش، تاخت کردن، هجوم، مبادرت‌ كردن‌ به‌، یورش، تكش‌، تاخت‌، تک، حمله‌ كردن‌ بر، حمله بردن، مورد حمله قرار دادن، یورش کردن، حمله ور شدن، هجوم آوردن، هجوم بردن، حمله کردن، هدف حمله قرار دادن

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 :: حمله

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: attack noun [ uncountable and countable ] an act of using weapons against an enemy in a war: • The US was threatening to launch an attack on Iran. • The men had been carrying out rocket attacks on British forces. • Bombs have been falling throughout the night, and the city is still under attack (= being attacked ) . invasion noun [ uncountable and countable ] an occasion when an army enters a country and tries to take control of it: • The Allies began their invasion of Europe. • The threat of foreign invasion is very real. raid noun [ countable ] a short attack on a place by soldiers or planes, intended to cause damage but not take control: • an air raid • NATO warplanes carried out a series of bombing raids on the city. • The village has been the target of frequent raids by rebel groups. strike noun [ countable ] a sudden military attack, especially after a serious disagreement: • Senior Israeli officials warned that they were still considering a military strike. • the possibility of a nuclear strike assault noun [ countable ] a military attack intended to take control of a city, area, or building controlled by an enemy: • The final military assault on Kwangju began at 3 am on May 27. • Hitler launched an all-out assault (= using as many soldiers, weapons, planes etc as possible ) on Russia. ambush noun [ uncountable and countable ] a sudden attack by people who have been waiting and hiding, especially an attack on a vehicle or people who are travelling somewhere: • Five soldiers were shot in the back and killled in the ambush. • Enemy forces waiting in ambush opened fire on the vehicle. counterattack noun [ uncountable and countable ] a military attack made in response to an attack by an enemy: • Government forces launched a counterattack against the guerillas. • If they successfully occupied the city, they would need to be capable of defending it against enemy counterattack. onslaught noun [ countable ] formal a large violent attack by an army: • In 1544 there was a full-scale onslaught on France, in which the English took Boulogne. • The troops were preparing for another onslaught against the enemy., to attack a person attack to use violence against someone and try to hurt them: • She was attacked by a man with a baseball bat. • Police dogs are trained to attack. ambush if a group of people ambush someone, they hide and wait for them and then attack them: • The judge was ambushed by gunmen as he drove to work at the courthouse. mug to attack someone and take money from them in a public place such as a street: • He was mugged on his way home from school. stab to attack someone with a knife: • The victim had been stabbed in the neck. assault to attack and hurt someone – used especially when talking about this as a criminal offence: • He assaulted a flight attendant who refused to serve him more drinks. be set upon by somebody/something written to be attacked by a group of people: • He died outside his home after being set upon by a gang of youths. turn on to suddenly change your behaviour and attack the person you are with, when they do not expect this: • The dog suddenly turned on him, sinking its teeth into his arm. to attack a place attack to use weapons to try to damage or take control of a place: • The village was attacked by enemy warplanes. • We will attack at dawn. invade to enter a country and try to get control of it using force: • The Romans invaded Britain 2,000 years ago. storm to suddenly attack a city or building that is well defended by getting inside it and taking control: • Elite troops stormed the building and rescued the hostages. besiege to surround a city or building with soldiers in order to stop the people inside from getting out or from receiving supplies: • In April 655, Osman’s palace was besieged by rebels.


2 general:: noun charge: The army attack came at dawn. verb assault: The army will attack at noon. noun failure: She had a heart attack.

Simple Definitions

3 general::   noun violence against sb ADJ. brutal, frenzied, horrific, savage, serious, vicious, violent | unprovoked | racist, sexual | arson, gun, knife an increase in knife attacks on police officers QUANT. series, spate, wave VERB + ATTACK carry out Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a local shopkeeper. | be subjected to He was subjected to a violent attack. ATTACK + VERB happen, occur, take place Where did the attack happen? PREP. ~ against vicious attacks against pensioners | ~ by an attack by an armed gang | ~ on an attack on a bus driver PHRASES a victim of an attack act of violence in war ADJ. all-out, full-scale, major | sustained | surprise | retaliatory | mock | flank, frontal | enemy, guerrilla, terrorist | air, bomb, missile, mortar, nuclear QUANT. series The southern border towns have suffered a series of attacks. VERB + ATTACK carry out, launch, lead, make, mount, spearhead The soldiers mounted an all-out attack on the village. | come under, suffer They came under sustained attack from the air. | repel, repulse, resist | survive, withstand Most of the population would stand little chance of surviving a nuclear attack. | press home, renew Bombers pressed home their attack, causing severe damage to harbour installations. ATTACK + VERB happen, occur, take place The attack took place under cover of darkness. | fail, succeed PREP. under ~ The province has been under attack from the rebels. | ~ against attacks against civilians | ~ by an attack by rebel forces | ~ on an attack on enemy positions criticism ADJ. bitter, blistering, fierce, outspoken, savage, scathing, scurrilous, stinging, vigorous | personal Is this a personal attack on the president, or a criticism of the government? | concerted | verbal VERB + ATTACK deliver, go on the, launch, make, mount, unleash Doctors have gone on the attack, accusing the government of incompetence. | come under, provoke All politicians come under attack for their views. The government's decision has provoked an attack from leaders of the health service. PREP. ~ on/upon an attack on my integrity PHRASES a/the line of attack The first line of attack is often name-calling. | open to attack He has laid himself wide open to attack. sudden illness ADJ. acute, sudden | bad, nasty, severe | fatal | mild, slight | recurrent | asthma, heart, panic a fatal heart attack VERB + ATTACK experience, have, suffer (from) He suffers from attacks of anxiety. | bring on, cause, trigger a heart attack brought on by stress ATTACK + VERB happen, occur, take place PREP. ~ of a sudden attack of nerves,   verb use violence ADV. brutally, savagely, viciously, violently She was brutally attacked by two men. | physically PREP. with He attacked her with a knife. criticize ADV. fiercely, savagely, sharply, strongly, vigorously PREP. for The police have been strongly attacked for not taking immediate action.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

4 general:: attack NOUN + attack a bomb attack (= usually intended to achieve a political aim ) • Animal rights activists are believed to have carried out the bomb attack. a terrorist attack • The accused men went on trial Monday for America’s worst-ever terrorist attack. a knife/gun attack • He was sentenced to nine years in prison for the knife attack. an arson attack (= intended to destroy a building by burning it ) • Ten classrooms were completely destroyed in the arson attack. adjectives a violent/vicious/brutal attack • Police described it as an extremely violent attack. a horrific attack • 'This was a horrific attack,' said Detective Chief Superintendent Ron Astles. a frenzied attack (= very violent and uncontrolled ) • The woman was stabbed to death in a frenzied attack at her home. a racial attack • Staffordshire police are treating the incident as a racial attack. a sexual attack • There was no indication of a sexual attack. an unprovoked attack (= in which the victim did nothing to cause the attack ) • Their teenage son was knocked to the ground, kicked and punched in an unprovoked attack. a motiveless attack (= that happens for no reason ) • He was stabbed to death in an apparently motiveless attack. verbs carry out an attack • The man who carried out the attack has been described as white and 25 to 32 years old. an attack happens/takes place ( also an attack occurs formal ) • The attack took place at around 10 pm Thursday. phrases a series/spate/wave of attacks (= a number of attacks in a row ) • The killing follows a series of brutal attacks on tourists. the victim of an attack • She was the victim of an attack in her own home. attack 2 ADJECTIVES/NOUN + attack a nuclear attack • They would not risk a nuclear attack on the United States. an all-out attack (= that is done with a lot of determination ) • General Smith was in favour of an all-out attack on the enemy. a full-scale attack (= that uses all the available soldiers and weapons ) • German troops launched a full-scale attack on the city. an armed attack • Armed attacks against Israeli settlements are on the increase. a surprise attack • We launched a surprise attack on their camp just before dawn. a missile/rocket/mortar attack • There were 15 dead and 20 wounded in a missile attack on the capital. an air/bomb attack (= an attack from a plane using bombs ) • Malta was under heavy air attack. verbs launch an attack • In April the French army launched an attack. lead/mount an attack • The King now prepared to mount an attack on Granada. come under attack • Camps in the south came under attack from pro-government forces. be under attack • He arrived when the base was under attack from mortar and small arms fire.


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