متربی، متربی، متربی، متربی
The in-house coaching service trains and manages a process to link line managers working as executive coaches to coachees from other parts of the organization.
Liz Macann allocates coaches based on an understanding of the coach's level of coaching capability (in terms of seniority of coachee) and coach preferences.
The coachee is not given a choice of coach.
A key consideration for the coaches is the possible prior knowledge they may have of their coachee's situation and, in particular, people they work with, for example the coachee's line manager.
As they become more senior, it becomes inevitable that they know people in the organization with whom their coachee is interacting.،،What makes the conversation different from others is the impact the conversation has on the person being coached (the coachee).The coachee might feel as if they are being 'told' to do something or receiving advice that they are expected to act upon.They might also imagine that they are working on the coachee rather than with them.COACHEE: Well, I guess you'd call it administration, I mean generally.COACHEE: I guess I should.،agree on a topic the coachee wants to work on and then need to revise that when youcues from the coachee that you need to backtrack, or simply stay where you are a whileYour coachee tells you the cause of their frustration is the long hoursyour coachee to come up with ideas for a way forward, which include refusing to workThen we'd have noticed that actually the coachee had more to say
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