verb ADV. completely | heavily, thickly | lightly | specially The fabric has been specially coated to improve its water resistance. PREP. in Coat the fish in the sauce. | with The furniture was thickly coated with dust., noun piece of clothing ADJ. long | short | three-quarter-length | heavy | light | winter | waterproof | fur-trimmed | double-breasted, single-breasted | belted | duffle, frock, morning, tail, trench VERB + COAT pull on, shrug (yourself) into, shrug on, throw on | pull off, shrug off | button (up) The coat was buttoned up wrong. | unbutton | hang (up) COAT + NOUN collar, pocket, sleeve, tail | hookCLOTHES fur/hair covering an animal's body ADJ. long | short | thick | rough | smooth | curly, fluffy, furry, shaggy, silky, woolly a dog with a long shaggy coat | glossy | spotted, striped | winter VERB + COAT shed The dog sheds its winter coat once the weather becomes warmer. layer of sth covering a surface ADJ. thick | thin | fresh, new The room needs a fresh coat of paint. | base | final, top VERB + COAT apply, put on Make sure the base coat has thoroughly dried before applying the top coat. COAT + VERB dry PREP. ~ of a coat of paint/varnish
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
types of coat
• I was wrapped up in a nice warm coat.
• She was wearing a heavy coat and a thick scarf.
a winter coat
• You’ll need a good winter coat in Canada.
a waterproof coat
• I took my walking boots and a waterproof coat.
a trench coat
(= a long raincoat with a belt )
• a military-style trench coat
a duffle coat
(= a warm coat with a hood, and buttons shaped like tubes )
• He pulled the hood of his duffle coat over his eyes.
a tweed/wool/sheepskin/leather coat
• I love her black leather coat.
a fur coat
(= made from an animal’s fur )
• In Moscow a lot of the women wear fur coats.
a camel coat
(= a thick pale brown coat made from wool, sometimes mixed with camel hair )
• He wore a smart camel coat over his suit.
a morning coat/tailcoat
(= a formal coat that men sometimes wear for weddings )
wear a coat
• He was wearing a long coat.
put on your coat
• Mark stood up and put on his coat.
take off/remove your coat
• She took off her coat and went into the kitchen.
coat + NOUN
a coat pocket
• I thought my wallet was in my coat pocket.
a coat sleeve
• The small boy was pulling at his mother's coat sleeve.
a coat collar
• He turned up his coat collar.
a coat hook
(= for hanging a coat on a wall )
• He hung his jacket on a coat hook in the hall.