تولید همزمان
The resulting bagasse presents approximately 50 % moisture and is ready to be burnt in a boiler to produce steam that is used in the industrial process and to produce electrical energy in the cogeneration system.
Traditionally, since the mid-1990s, the sugarcane mills are able to produce their own energy using only their biomass residues in cogeneration systems (Leal 2010).
For this reason, relevant investment is required, from government and sugarcane mills, to develop infrastructure, technology and a regulated environment for using sugarcane residues, bagasse and straw as fuel in advanced cogeneration systems.
This section briefly describes catalytic synthesis of syngas to produce ethanol, Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis to produce gasoline and diesel and an advanced cogeneration system to be used in sugarcane biore?
Advanced Cogeneration System An attractive option of cogeneration system in Brazilian sugarcane industry is the biomass integrated gasi?
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