1 اقتصاد:: کالایی شدن
While capitalism has been associated with growing affluence, technological innovation, etc., it is also associated with inequality (e.g., in income, opportunity, and wealth), the commodification of everything (e.g., water, air, outer space), consumerism, and environmental degradation. With the neoclassical view being vastly theoretical, capitalism must be considered in light of the social realities of contemporary capitalism.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
2 عمومی:: کالاییشدن
See also: Dualism � Interpenetrating space � Intersection Commodification Commodification is a term that emanates from Walter Benjamin's influential, critical texts on modernity and city Life. Commodification entails the magical creation of mass-produced, consumable objects that become enshrined in the showrooms and shopping malls where the devoted consumer comes to pay tribute. The accelerated tempo of work associated with the production and distribution of products leads to the commodification of time-an essentially modern sensibility in which time is equated with money. One of the consequences of commodification is the idolizing of products, i.e. the investment of inordinate value