داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: پرگار، قط‌ب‌ نما، نقشه‌ كشیدن‌، ( n&iv &tv &vda &jda) تدبیر كردن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: compass phrases the points of the compass/compass points (= the marks that show you north, south, east etc ) • She was teaching the children the points of the compass. a map and compass • Always take a map and compass with you in the mountains. compass + NOUN the compass needle (= the long piece of metal that moves to show north ) a compass bearing/reading (= a direction shown by a compass ) • We took a compass bearing to ensure we were walking in the right direction. compass error • Their ship had sailed off course due to compass errors. verbs use a compass • Some of the kids were learning how to use a map and compass. set a compass (= adjust it so that the needle and the north mark are in line with each other ) • Wait until the needle settles, then set the compass. a compass shows something • Our compass showed that we should bear right.


2 general:: noun direction device: A compass tells where we are going.

Simple Definitions

3 general::   noun ADJ. magnetic VERB + COMPASS use | check COMPASS + VERB show sth A compass shows you which direction is north. COMPASS + NOUN needle | bearing, reading | direction, point | error PHRASES a map and compass, the points of the compass The railway fanned out from Moscow to all points of the compass.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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