داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: شایستگی، مهارت

This is despite a lack of evidence to demonstrate a connection between competence in professional practice and continuing education Since it is professional competence which is often perceived to be an important ‘driver’ for organisational performance, it is not surprising that for a long time now the HRD agenda has emphasised knowledge management and organisational learning, devoting considerable amounts of research money and time to the capture and retention of organisational ‘know how’ for competitive advantag،Teaching staff need to develop emotional competences and transmit them to their students

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: شایستگی‌، صلاحیت‌، كفایت‌، سررشته‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: noun the ability to being well qualified; ability: We questioned his competence to do that job.

Simple Definitions

2 general:: competence verbs have competence • Older people often feel that they don't have any competence with computers. demonstrate/show competence • Students have to demonstrate competence in maths and science. acquire/achieve/gain/develop competence • First you have to acquire competence in methods of research. lack competence • Some staff members lacked the competence to deal with technical problems. adjectives professional competence • The courses will improve the skills and professional competence of the staff. technical/linguistic/managerial etc competence • There are many careers that require a high degree of linguistic competence. social competence • The first years of life are very important in a child's growth toward social competence. phrases a level/standard/degree of competence • The trainees are expected to acquire a basic level of competence.


3 general::   noun ability to do sth well ADJ. great | basic | administrative, managerial, professional, social, technical | communicative, language, linguistic, reading VERB + COMPETENCE have | demonstrate, display, prove, show She shows a high level of technical competence. | lack | achieve, acquire, develop, gain He gradually developed the competence to deal with the more difficult cases. | challenge, question PREP. beyond sb's ~ I'm afraid the work is beyond his competence. | within sb's ~ This should be well within your competence. | ~ as Students had questioned her competence as a teacher. | ~ for He displayed great competence for the job. | ~ in competence in English PHRASES a level/standard of competence power to deal with sth ADJ. formal | exclusive VERB + COMPETENCE have The commission has no formal competence in cultural matters. PREP. outside sb/sth's ~ matters that fall outside the court's competence | within sb/sth's ~ The decisions come within the competence of the council. PHRASES an area of competence

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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