noun act of complaining ADJ. bitter, serious | common, familiar, frequent | formal, official | consumer, customer VERB + COMPLAINT have I have a complaint about the food. | bring, file, lodge, make, register, voice He brought a complaint against his former manager. They filed a complaint with the European Commission. | get, have, receive We have had some serious complaints from parents. | deal with, handle, hear, investigate, respond to The tribunal heard complaints against the director. | resolve | reject COMPLAINT + VERB arise complaints arising from late payment | concern sth, relate to sth COMPLAINT + NOUN complaints procedure PREP. ~ about a complaint about working conditions | ~ against a complaint against the police | ~ from a complaint from the neighbours | ~ of a complaint of unfair dismissal | ~ to to make a complaint to the authorities PHRASES cause/grounds for complaint The way I was treated gave me no cause for complaint. | a chorus of complaint, a letter of complaint, a matter of complaint illness ADJ. mild, minor | chronic | common Not being able to sleep at night is a very common complaint. | back, chest, etc. | medical VERB + COMPLAINT have, suffer from He has a minor skin complaint.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
something that you say or write when you are complaining, especially to someone in an official position:
• If you have any complaints, please contact our customer relations department. • Our main complaint is the poor standard of service. • If you have a complaint, you should write to the manager. • make a complaint: Some employees are worried about what will happen to them if they make a complaint. • complaint about: Keating was dismissed after complaints about the quality of his work. • formal complaint: Mr Kelly has made a formal complaint against the police. • letters of complaint: The commission has so far received nearly 10,000 letters of complaint.
when someone complains publicly about something that they think is wrong or unfair and should not be allowed to happen:
• Despite their protests, the students’ fees were increased. • in protest (= as a way of making a protest ): When two members of the team were dismissed, the rest of them walked out in protest. • protest against: The ambassador lodged a formal protest against the proposals. • ignore somebody’s protests: Ignoring my protests, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.
something that you feel unhappy about because you think that you have been treated unfairly – use this especially about an official complaint you make about the place where you work:
• file a grievance (= officially complain ): She filed a grievance last year after her supervisor refused to promote her. • grievance against: Anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company can take it to the arbitration committee. • air a grievance (= discuss a grievance publicly ): The meetings give employees the opportunity to express their views or air grievances.
make a complaint
(= complain formally to someone )
• The manager of the team decided to make a complaint about the referee.
file/lodge a complaint
formal (= make a complaint )
• She filed a complaint against several of her colleagues.
have a complaint
(= want to complain about something )
• Please let us know if you have any complaints about our service.
bring a complaint against somebody
formal (= complain in a formal, legal way )
• Higgins brought a complaint against his former manager.
receive a complaint
( also have a complaint )
• Our department has received a number of complaints from the public.
deal with/handle a complaint
• Police officers came to the house to deal with a complaint about noise.
investigate a complaint
• The dog was rescued after officials investigated a complaint of neglect.
uphold a complaint
(= say it is reasonable )
• The complaint was upheld and the advertisement was withdrawn.
a complaint concerns something/relates to something
• We have received a number of complaints concerning faulty goods.
a formal/official complaint
• The man has lodged a formal complaint against the police.
a common/widespread/frequent complaint
• A common complaint of children is that parents do not listen to them.
a serious complaint
• Serious complaints of negligence have been made.
a customer/consumer complaint
• As a result of the improvements, customer complaints went down by 70%.
a bitter complaint
(= a very angry one )
• The people are full of bitter complaints about their government.
a familiar complaint
(= one that you have heard many times )
• A lack of good public transport is a familiar complaint.
cause/grounds for complaint
(= a good reason to complain )
• I do not think that he has any cause for complaint.
a letter of complaint
• I wrote a letter of complaint to the hospital manager.
a complaints procedure
(= a system for dealing with complaints )
• There is a very straightforward complaints procedure you must follow.