گیرنده کالا
When this method is used, demand for payment is usually made by means of a clean draft (no documents attached), drawn on the consignee/importer by the exporter.
difficult for the seller to keep a watchful eye on the consigned merchandise when it is physi- cally in a far country; and third, exchange controls may preclude payment by the consignee.
In exporting, the bill that the exporter or consignor sends to the importer or consignee is called a commercial invoice.
It should state the name of the ship (if ocean transportation is used), the name and address of the consignee, the contract num- ber, the code word for the contract if one is used, the price per unit of the merchandise, and the total price of the shipment.
Many exporters send at least two copies of the commercial invoice direct to the consignee by separate mails.
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