داستان آبیدیک



1 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: سازه انگار

The second vector would focus attention on the extension of other than just West-centric constructivist approaches within theoretical constructions of the global and regional levels positioned between the universal and exclusively area/country-related approaches. Another subdivision of researchers within this vector in Russia, as well as in China, concentrate on a constructivist attempt to create alternative visions aimed to fundamentally reshape the global configuration (Alekseeva 2014), even using forceful coercion and violence (Dugin 2012, 2014). They traced this assumption to the idea that all knowledge is rooted in a particular culture, and a constructivist debate over this assumption in Russia, with the idea that national schools of IR are possible, and so the Russian IR school (and maybe some other national versions) will emerge together with the emergence of a Russian or some other nationalism, notwithstanding its constructive/ destructive nature or intellectual/structural preconditions. This constructivist position was similar to the Marxist-Leninist idea of the world revolution in that as soon as it started it would necessarily lead to the construction of the communist state and society, which would later be somehow explained by official scholarship. After allowing the influence of identity on the outcome of the security dilemma, she used the Western constructivist approach to make identity a dependable variable.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: ساختارگرا، ساختارگرا، ساختاری( ساختارگرا)، ساختارگرا

The general strategy for rational constructivists here has been to downplay the importance of the infant experiments, claiming that they do not really require a full-blown, belief-desire theory of mind as such to pass them (Wellman 2014). The alternative, rationalist constructivist idea has been that children construct a theory of mind much like a scientist would (Gopnik et al. 1999; Gopnik and Wellman 1992). In order to explain the gap between infant and preschooler mindreading, and not to commit to innate belief understanding, constructivists were forced to show that infant mindreading could be explained by simpler concepts than those of a belief-desire theory of mind.3،The general strategy for rational constructivists here has been to downplay the importance of the infant experiments, claiming that they do not really require a full-blown, belief-desire theory of mind as such to pass them (Wellman 2014). The alternative, rationalist constructivist idea has been that children construct a theory of mind much like a scientist would (Gopnik et al. 1999; Gopnik and Wellman 1992). In order to explain the gap between infant and preschooler mindreading, and not to commit to innate belief understanding, constructivists were forced to show that infant mindreading could be explained by simpler concepts than those of a belief-desire theory of mind.3،This reformulates Rogers's notion of congruence and introduces a complex constructivist element to a phenomenological perspective. EFT adopts this type of constructivist perspective; it regards interaction between emotion and Symbol as central to the creation of meaning. Pascual- Leone's (1987) neo-Piagetian constructivist model of mind in which experi- ence was seen as being determined by the automatic activation of schemes plus the action of deliberate processes such as attention and reasoning. I also have been involved with the constructivist psychotherapy movement since the 1990s (Guidano, 1995; Neimeyer & Mahoney, 1995) and found this view, and subsequently narrative views (Angus & McLeod, 2004), helpful in articulating the meaning-making aspect of EFT. The constructivist view can be understood best in contrast with the realist perspective that is typically aligned with cognitive therapy and error analysis, and that assumes there is an objective, consensual reality.،We review these approaches in the following chapters, starling with the constructivist or action-based approach in this chapter. These approaches fall into the process-relational worldview discussed in Chapter 1 and are variously referred to as constructivist, action-based, enactive, interactive, or embodied. There are a variety of constructivist theories in different areas of knowledge (e.g. CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACHES TO CHILDREN'S THINKING 37 CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACHESTO CHILDREN'S THINKING 39

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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