علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
پیشگیری از بارداری
His analysis of evidence from three countries (India, Indonesia, and Malaysia) confirms that contraceptive control was not perfect and that the inability to control fertility lowers human-capital invest-
to an exogenously induced extra child, is due both to differences in methodology across the studies and to cross-country differences in contraceptive efficiency, costs, or preferences.
He contrasts the unitary view of household decision-making that is constrained by income, prices, and quality/quantity trade-offs with the reality in many low-income settings of gender imbalances in the capacity to decide whom and when to marry, who in the household gets access to health care and education, when and what kind of contraception to use, and the power to negotiate safe sex when the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS infection is high.
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