داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: تخت‌، در لفافه‌ قرار دادن‌، نیمكت‌، خوابانیدن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: noun sofa: They sat talking on the couch.

Simple Definitions

2 general::   noun ADJ. comfortable | wide | psychiatrist's She spends several hours a week on the psychiatrist's couch. VERB + COUCH lie (down) on, recline on, sink back on, sink into, sit (down) on, sprawl on, stretch (out) on They sat down on the wide couch. | get up from, rise from, slide off, swing your legs/yourself off PREP. on a/the ~ He slept on the couch. COUCH + NOUN potato (figurative) (= sb who spends all their time sitting on a couch) He's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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