


1 عمومی:: شمردن‌، شمار، كنت‌، حساب‌ كردن‌، پنداشتن‌، فرض‌ كردن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: verb total: Count how many pencils you have., verb include: Count me as a supporter of his. noun total number: I want a count of the audience.

Simple Definitions

2 general:: In addition to the idioms beginning with COUNT, Also see DOWN FOR THE COUNT; EVERY MINUTE COUNTS; OUT FOR (THE COUNT); STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.

American Heritage Idioms

3 general:: count on sb to be confident that you can depend on someone • You can always count on Michael in a crisis. • [ + to infinitive ]: I can count on my parents to help me., count on sth to expect something to happen and make plans based on it • [ + -ing verb ]: I'm counting on the meeting finishing on time, or I'll miss my train. • Sorry I'm late, I didn't count on being held up in the traffic. • There's never a taxi when you want one - that's the one thing you can count on!, count sb out BOXING 2. [ often passive ] In a boxing competition, the referee counts someone out by counting to ten when they fall to the floor and announcing that they have lost the fight if they fail to get up before the ten seconds is over • Cooper was counted out in the final round., count towards sth to be part of what is needed to complete or achieve something • The work that the students do during the year will count towards their final degrees., count sth out [ M ] to count coins or notes one by one as you put them down • She counted out five crisp new $100 bills., count sb in [ M ] informal to include someone in an activity or arrangement • "Do you want to come swimming tomorrow?" "Yes, count me in.", count sb out NOT INCLUDE 1. informal to keep someone out or not include them in an activity or arrangement • Scuba diving? Oh no, count me out - I hate water!, count against sb/sth to make someone or something more likely to fail • Gail's qualified for the job, but her lack of experience will count against her.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

4 general::   noun act of counting VERB + COUNT do, have We did a quick count of the children and there were none missing. PREP. for a ~ Raise your leg and hold it there for a count of ten. PHRASES at the last/latest count At the last count she had 43 cats! measurement/total ADJ. high | low | blood, calorie, cell, pollen, sperm The pollen count is very high in the spring. | body, head The movie depends on good dialogue rather than violence and a high body count. The firm now has a head count of around 70 staff. VERB + COUNT keep Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week. | lose I've lost count of the times I've heard that joke. COUNT + VERB go up, increase, rise | drop, go down Her white cell count has gone down again.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

5 general:: count ADJECTIVES/NOUN + count a rough count (= not exact ) • I made a rough count of the houses in the street. a quick count • According to my quick count, there were 15. a head count (= of how many people are present ) • Make sure you do a head count before the children get back on the bus. a word/page count (= of how many words or pages there are ) • Your computer can do an automatic word count. a traffic count (= of how many vehicles pass through a place ) • We went to the main road at 9 am to begin our traffic count. verbs do/make a count • I looked at the report and did a quick page count.

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