اقدامات متقابل
2.2.9 CRM is a widely implemented strategy in the aviation community as a training countermeasure to human error.
If error is inevitable, CRM can be seen as a set of error countermeasures with three lines of defence.
The same set of CRM error countermeasures apply to each situation, the difference being in the time of detection.
In turn, pilots who recognize the performance degradation associated with stress should more readily embrace CRM training as an essential countermeasure.
Airlines that tolerate operational error and implement non-punitive policies are likely to better equip flight crews with appropriate countermeasures to deal with operational errors.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
پارسنگ، اقدام متقابل
شبکه مترجمین ایران
اقدام متقابل
In its report, Congress wondered if, while the Pentagon had been pursuing "networked communications technology," the terrorists were gaining the upper hand by using "asymmetric countermeasures."
The Human Terrain System was a countermeasure against IEDs, and counterinsurgency was back in U.S.
The primary countermeasure was still the electronic jamming device, designed to thwart IED activation by remote control.
But when the Army learned that DARPA planned to send bees to Iraq as a countermeasure to the IED threat, they rejected the idea.
As for other IEDs, terrorists had created new measures to defeat U.S. jamming countermeasures.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران