noun one separate event in sb's life/a story ADJ. dramatic, exciting | bizarre, extraordinary | sad, tragic, unfortunate, unpleasant | major | brief | acute, severe (medical) an acute episode of pneumonia | latest She has only told you about the latest episode in a long history of mental illness. VERB + EPISODE remember | forget PREP. during an ~ during a brief episode of socialist rule | ~ from remembering episodes from our childhood | ~ in an extraordinary episode in American history PHRASES the entire/whole episode He says he just wants to forget the whole unfortunate episode. one part of a TV/radio drama ADJ. exciting, thrilling Don't miss next week's exciting episode! | next, | final, last VERB + EPISODE see, watch | miss | film, make The next episode has not yet been filmed. PREP. during/in an/the ~ It happened in the final episode of ‘Star Trek’.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary