داستان آبیدیک

fused deposition modeling


1 مکانیک:: مدل سه بعدی fdm

Fused deposition modeling (FDM), developed by Stratasys, is also an additive process. In contrast to SLA, whereby a liquid resin pool is used, and SLS, whereby the compacted resin powders are used, the feedstock for FDM is a flament of extruded resin that remelts and deposits on top of the previously formed layers. The FDM process utilizes a variety of polymeric materials, including acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), poly carbonate, and polyphenylsulfone. The ceramic and metallic materials are also potential candidate materials that can be used in the FDM process in the future. The FDM parts are relatively strong with good bonding between the layers, and can be used for functional tests in reverse engineering when appropriate.

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